New! Sporda launches new needle-felt product

At Sporda Nonwoven, we develop sustainable, flexible and reliable materials. Let us introduce our latest needle felting novelty: internally called “Double Nougat”.

New! Sporda launches new needle-felt product

At Sporda Nonwoven, we develop sustainable, flexible and reliable materials. Let us introduce our latest needle felting novelty: internally called “Double Nougat”.

Sporda’s production consists of 80 percent recycled fiber or natural fiber. Recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is the fiber we use the most, a plastic that is called harmless by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

Get to know Sporda Nonwovens’ latest news: The Double Nougat!
Sporda launches a needle-felt product which internally goes by the name “Double Nougat”. From a technical point of view, we have simply needled two 1,000-gram needle-felts together, which gives a completely new robust product. If you are looking for stronger needle-felt material where we guarantee a molded weight of 1,400 g, the Double Nougat is probably what you are looking for.

What is needle felt?
Needle-felt is created through a mechanical process (punch needling) where the raw materials are bound together through needlework. The technology provides increased control over the performance of the final material and is perfect when you want to create a material that can withstand tougher tear and increased wear. Needle-felt is easy to press and shape and provides a great variety of possibilities.

Spordafelt™ is the collective name for Sporda Nonwovens needle-felt products. The product group has three subgroups that you can read more about by clicking on the respective name: Formfelt™, Linerfelt™ and Echofelt™.
The product launch Double Nougat belongs to the Formfelt™ category.

How is Sporda Nonwovens needle-felt made?
Sporda Nonwovens needle-felt products consist of recycled PET, where the combination of durable material and thermoplastic properties creates fantastic possibilities within a wide range of applications.

Do needle-felt products need to be white, gray or black?
The short answer is, no!

We at Sporda are always attentive and we understood that there was a need for a wider colour range than the typical white-grey-black. In order to try to meet the needs of the market, we put a development plan in place. With the help of a hand card, we started experimenting and through accommodating suppliers, we now offer a colour scale that covers the entire rainbow.

Colour development is a standing item on Sporda’s agenda
Sporda is to lead the development in nonwovens and therefore we continue to focus on colour development and sustainable, bold materials.

If you want to experience mossy big forests, heavenly blue, passionate red or perhaps lilac – then you should be able to do it through needle-felt in the desired colour.

Do you have questions about needle-felt products, double nougat or which colours we offer?
Get in touch and we will help you »