Textile recycling no later than January 1st 2025

Sporda Nonwoven works closely and together with the textile market. For us, it’s no news that producer responsibility for textiles will be introduced by January 1st 2025 at the latest.

Textile recycling no later than January 1st 2025

Sporda Nonwoven works closely and together with the textile market. For us, it’s no news that producer responsibility for textiles will be introduced by January 1st 2025 at the latest.

EU member states must legislate and introduce systems for textile recycling by January 1st, 2025, at the latest. Why then, you may wonder? Simply because we throw away and burn nine kilos of textiles per EU citizen and year. If we can instead collect, recycle and reuse the textile, we reduce garbage disposal, carbon dioxide emissions and natural resources. Simply win-win. OmVärlden). Om vi istället kan samla in, återvinna och återanvända textilen så reducerar vi sophantering, koldioxidutsläpp och naturresurser. Win-win helt enkelt.

What role does Sporda Nonwoven play?
Sporda Nonwoven has built a new facility in Värnamo which is the center of a revolutionary technology. The facility will be inaugurated on August 31st and will then be Sweden’s first and so far only Airlay line for nonwoven material. We have been granted the state investment support Klimatklivet (Climate Leap) for this sustainability investment. The Airlay line can handle residual products from textile manufacturing as raw material..

Just as before, our main facility in Sporda continues to produce nonwoven products primarily from recycled PET. We recently launched a needle-felt product where we stapled two 1000-gram felts together, which provides new molded, robust possibilities.

Back to producer responsibility for textiles
The EU’s forthcoming legislation means that all member states within the EU will be obliged to sort textile waste at source. In an interview with Swedish TV4, Sweden’s Minister of the Environment and Climate, Romina Pourmokhtari, answers questions regarding the legislation. Pourmokhtari believes that Sweden’s municipalities should be responsible for the collection (in Sweden).

”The (Swedish) municipalities already have developed methods for recycling and now we also want it to include textiles, says Environment and Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari.

If you want to read the whole article and also see a video clip, we refer you to TV4 »

Beyond the surface
For us at Sporda Nonwoven, it’s not all about surface. Although we are admittedly good at surface layers, it’s the invisible qualities that make our heart beat extra. Did you know that approx. 80 percent of our products are made from recycled materials? Or that our products are involved in creating pleasant experiences for the bed and furniture industry. Our products may not always be visible, but we work actively to ensure that they always make a bigger difference to the experience.

Do you want to know more?
Contact Jonas Rylander,
0371-52 33 51


Related links

Sporda manufactures nonwoven from recycled textiles
Sporda’s airlay production line uses textile waste as raw materials
Sporda Nonwoven first in Sweden with Airlay-technology
